10 social links you need to bookmark

Content. We’re either creating it or consuming it. There’s no in between here on the interwebz. With that said, lets look at what you might have missed over the past week.

1) Here’s a cool little tool: Type in a brand name. Find out how visible it is on the social web-How Sociable

2) Always wondered about the “other” social sites that might be out there? Well here’s a list of a 101 social media websites. Pay attention to the second 50.

3) Quix is an extensible bookmarklet, that allows you to easily access all your bookmarks and bookmarklets, across all your browsers, while maintaining them in only one spot. Handy, for those of us with thousands of bookmarks.

4) The Social Media Group this past week rolled out the “Social Media RFP, which is essentially a working document on what companies of all sizes should be looking for when hiring a social media consultant or firm. It also serves as a document/template for marketers to use to gauge where they stand before they go traipsing into a client stating that they are a social media expert. It is without a doubt the most extensive document that I have seen for this purpose.

5) According to Brand Tags a brand exists entirely in people’s heads. Therefore, a brand is whatever they say it is. Check out this collective experiment in brand perception.

6) I know lists and to 10’s are all subjective and don’t hold a whole lot of water, and I was even nominated for this one, but here is Invesp’s Most Influential Online Marketers of 2009 It’s a nice list of folks that at the least are worth following on Twitter.

7) Ever since Jeremiah Owyang joined Altimeter Group, he hasn’t been as visible on Twitter as he used to be. But nevertheless, he tweeted out this List of Social Media KPI’s on Flickr. which is invaluable.

8. If you haven’t discovered Oneforty yet, you’ll thank me for pointing you in their direction. As their name belies, Find better Twitter tools and share your favorites.

9) You know who is a smart dude? Paul Gillin. If you are not following him on Twitter, you should be. Paul recently wrote an amazing post titled, Integrating Social Media Platforms? Let’s Talk, in which he assesses the value of integrated social media marketing programs to a company’s overall strategy. A great read.

10) Lastly, here is a lesson in social media. A cautionary tale if you will. H &M’s Trashgate.

Content. Consume it, then share it.