Google Plus versus Facebook? Really…

It’s hard to actually write that in the title. Is it possible that G+ could actually compete with Facebook? Check out this infographic from Social Annex, what do you think?

Monitoring “G”

I was pulling some info about tomorrow’s #hashtag social media host Shel Holtz when I came across a video on his Posterous page about Gatorade’s  brand monitoring war room.

The video is well done and I love how they are investing time and effort in polishing and managing the brand via a social media war room. But it was the comment below the video that bothered me.

ooohhhhhh amazing !!
You check the stats of your websites ??? You gather tweets – with like, twitter search ?
Sooooo impressed !

I would volunteer that a bit more is required than that; but see what we, as marketers and managers of brands have to put up with? And you wonder why we  keep having to “sell” social media?

“Like” social media is “like”, soooo easy!