You have 11 months to step up your social media game

What are you looking for when you read the latest link bait blog title? I’m always looking for the new tool. I’m looking for what I haven’t found yet, We all are. It’s why new diet books keep popping up on book shelves. Because people keep buying them. Because what worked before just doesn’t seem to be doing it now. We’re all constantly looking for a new approach, a new way to do things. Social media is no exception. We just have a different name for it, it’s called social media obsolescence.

Here’s an example:

You see as a society we’re just not satisfied. This extends to the social networks that we use. Yes, we all are using Facebook, and they are truly the exception to the rule. They are the immovable force. But other sites just die on the vine but for no other reason than it has reached it’s point of critical mass. It’s now in decline for the simple reason that we are looking for, no craving more than what that site delivered to us flawlessly.

To that end, I often find myself pondering whether I could possibly write something that hasn’t been said already. What will satisfy this rabid audience of social media consumers looking for the brass ring or the uber answer? Well the answer is, every day there is another great batch of great posts from some really smart people that I’m pleased to know professionally. Each with a new twist, a different angle, a fresh thought. Which tells us that indeed we are in the nascent stages of this monolith that we call social media.

So what’s there left to do?

What is left is for you and even me, to take all of these thoughts and processes and put them to good use and into action. Then you, my dear readers must pay it forward. No more selfish consuming.

You need to become the next legion of social media foot soldiers. We still have so many people that are completely perplexed and yet those of you that have been playing in the sandbox now for say the last year, know so much more than 75% of the population. That’s you! Start sharing what you know and what you have read. Don’t keep it to yourself.  Be a creator, as well as a conversationalist. Push the envelope in 2010, you have 11 months to get it done!

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Are you the change agent? 10 questions you need to ask yourself

In marketing, in social media, in PR and in just about every other role. Innovation and great ideas can bubble up from anyone. The key and qualities are many.  I know of a number of change agents, some personally, and some not, but in each case, it was a person that truly possessed many of the qualities below. Whether you’re looking for that change agent when deciding on a go or no go on a project, or you are wondering whether you could be that change agent in your company- Ask yourself these 10 questions.

Do you say, “There has to be better way?

early flight

Is this you?


Are you the only one who gets it?


Are you willing to walk the plank?


Are you the evangelist?


Do you have the conviction?


Do you have the belief?


Are you willing to take the risk?


Are you willing to be wrong?


Do you have the passion?


Be the change agent

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