What’s the bullet in social media right now?

I’m reading the book Life by Keith Richards, the talented, weathered survivor and lead guitarist of the Rolling Stones. I must say it’s an interesting read, but while reading it, the following sentence caught me eye.

The music might be the trigger but the bullet nobody knows what that is…

Apply that statement to all that’s happening in the world of social media and digital communications.  What’s the trigger? What’s the bullet? Do you know the difference? Social media might be the trigger, but what is the bullet? Funny how it takes Keith Richards from the Stones to add some indirect perspective to the world of social media KPI’s, but we could say that in social, a number of things could be the trigger and as well a number of things could be the bullet-but don’t you think if you could identify what the trigger is for you personally or for your company, and what the bullet might be, that you’d be golden? Yep. Go forth young Skywalker…

2 thoughts on “What’s the bullet in social media right now?

  1. Love that visual. Trigger- bullet. It challenges us to get crystal clear on intentions and goals and to really get in and learn and know our customers- doesn’t it. Trigger might lead them to you…but the bullet – well that’s when they fall in love with you- a conversion occurs, loyalty happens and they go tell the world about how you ROCKED their life! Thanks for the visual, metaphors and brilliance

    Pam Hoelzle

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